Silver friendship necklace - what is a Silver Friendship Necklace?

A silver friendship necklace is a special type of interlocking necklace that comes in two halves. Each half of the silver friendship necklace comes complete with a chain so that it can be worn by two people at the same time. this type of jewellery has been popular for several centuries and is worn by people all around the world. Often, a silver friendship necklace is bought by friends when they are young and may be worn for many years in order to show that their friendship is still strong.

Who Gives a Silver Friendship Necklace?

Best friends usually give each other a silver friendship necklace as a special token of their friendship. In many cases, both friends pool their money and purchase the silver friendship necklace together, although one friend may purchase the silver friendship necklace alone. Sisters who are particularly close may also buy a silver friendship necklace as a way to celebrate their unique friendship, while parents or other family members may give silver friendship necklaces to their children.

When Can a Silver Friendship Necklace Be Given?

A silver friendship necklace can be given at any time to celebrate friendship, but it is usually reserved for a special occasion such as a birthday. Friends may also give each other a silver friendship necklace on the anniversary of their friendship to mark the occasion or when one of the friends moves house to show that they will always be friends even though they no longer live in the same town or city.

Popular Silver Friendship Necklace Designs

A wide range of silver friendship necklaces for 2 are available and this special item of jewellery is designed for two best friends to share. One of the most popular designs of silver friendship necklace is a silver Yin Yang friendship necklace. This traditional Chinese design features a circle divided into two halves with Yin representing one type of energy and Yang representing the other. When these two halves are joined they complete the energy circle.

Other common types of silver friendship necklace include a silver heart friendship necklace with the heart divided in the centre, a star divided into two halves, a four leaf clover to represent luck and the initials of the two friends.

Ways to make a Silver Friendship Necklace Extra Special

The silver friendship necklace can be set with jewels, especially the birthstones of each of the two friends. This makes the piece of jewellery truly unique and something to be treasured. You can also choose to have your silver friendship necklace engraved with the name of you and your friend to really make the necklace special and serve as a lasting memento of your friendship.

As they say, actions speak much louder than words. Giving your best friend a silver friendship necklace is the perfect way to show him or her how much they mean to you. You could also choose to give your best friend a gold friendship necklace if you prefer as a way to celebrate your friendship.